64 Bit Terminal Emulator for Mac and Windows

With Apple announcing the Mojave will be the last version of the MacOS to run 32-bit applications, many are struggling to quickly find a terminal emulation solution to support their Mac users. Many client-side emulators are legacy and as such, will not be released in a 64-bit version to allow continuous access.

This is simply the latest problem for client-side emulation users, who have been plagued with compatibility issues, from emulators that do not support Windows 10, to those which cannot conform to the latest security standards and are still passing unencrypted business critical information or cannot support multi-factor authentication.

The solution to this problem may be surprisingly simple, but like the case of NASA and the zero-gravity pen, sometimes the problem’s framing is the main obstacle. Instead of searching for a 64-bit Mac-installed emulator, organizations need to use this opportunity to centralize their emulation and instead move to a zero-client, server based terminal emulation solution.

Zero-client emulators do not have any components installed on the access devices, instead they are centrally maintained, managed and secured server side and then easily accessed by any device with a web browser. This solution completely removes the OS and device vulnerabilities, as well as improving security and compliance, reducing the maintenance overhead and lowering the total cost of ownership.

Truly zero-client emulators do not require any plugins, like Java or Active X, minimizing the threat surface. The best web emulators are pure HTML, utilize the latest TLS and SSH security and offer significant performance advantages and stability.

Download a free 30-day trial of Jubilant Terminal Emulator today and guarantee access for Mac, Windows, Chromebook and Linux users now and in the future.

Jubilant offer a fully supported, free 30-day evaluation of the Jubilant Terminal Emulator.