What System of Engagement Should I build first?

Jubilant Product Matrix


Having established that we can engineer a solution that quickly allows your System of Record to participate in the new world of Systems of Engagement, you can really start to consider the types of solutions that might enable your enterprise to unlock previously unseen pockets of revenue.


Modern agile devices (mobiles, wearables and tablets) provide users and system providers with contextual data about time, location, direction and speed, that in turn can drive further derivative data like relevant weather, traffic, retail offers or potential casual encounters.


With this information we can start to think about contextual scenarios that are enabled by the kind of topic or process, location/destination or mobility, time or situation that can create a more efficient worker in the field.  To establish some context for Systems of Engagement here are some real word examples of how SoE’s can drive, support and direct behaviour:


The retail manager having a location agnostic real time view on foot flow and EPOS revenue, allowing s/he to stay on the shop floor driving the decisions s/he makes to get more customers in and how his team should engage the customer:

  • A law enforcement officer that has a location and time based view of typical/historical criminal activity of the given area they are in and at that time of day.  Providing information about the most appropriate prevention and mitigation techniques and strategies appropriate to the inbound variables.  Subsequently providing relevant systems to process the common infringements that happen in that scenario.
  • A retailer or restaurateur being able to push mobile location based offers to loyalty programme and casual encounter customers.
  • A call or customer service centre being able to create a more singular view of customer based on location, weather, local time and socially trended information.

The emergent entrants to the online Travel industry are great examples of how early adopters in the world of Systems of Engagement have reaped huge rewards and captured market share, quickly realising the benefits that can be gained from engaging customers in a buying cycle. 

Aggregating multiple transit, hotel and restaurant sources (Systems of Record), with news and weather sources (Open Systems), to surface a set of informed options that are then further de-risked with Social media and individual referenced commentary, going further still with links to available published works for purchase. 

In doing this the agile Travel brokers have probably come the closest that any industry has come to creating a person to person consultative sales cycle delivered virtually in any location, on any device at the point of demand and without bias.

With this in mind we have a greater understanding of contextual and scenario driven requirements that are built with multiply sourced data points that collectively create a System of Engagement. 


Going forward we believe Systems of Engagement will evolve initially with forward planning, calendar based suggested behaviour for future actives both as a consumer and as vendor, in the future it may evolve to include proactively derived suggestions that both drive consumption activities with model suggestions of how you might best leverage those touch points.

In conclusion, we are leading always on selectively off lifestyles and this will evolve as access agility and the Internet of Things increase our ability to more seamlessly merge our home and working lives.  The quicker we shift our focus from remaking the wheel to working out how best to ride the bike, the quicker we will reap the benefits of travelling faster and with the least resistance, Enabling us to have more time with family and friends and enabling us to be more productive and happier team mates at work.