
Jubilant, Customer Support, and You

In a recent report published by TechTarget, talking to 500+ IT Decision Makers, it was revealed that 25% of software purchasers would consider switching their vendor if they experienced poor customer service. This eclipsed what might be traditionally considered as more immediate concerns, with security breaches placed at 22% and cost savings moving 17%. Clearly of all the compelling events which could hit a company, a bad experience with customer support can really shift opinions: and purchasing decisions.

The Successful Agent of Change

I’ve spent the majority of the last 20 years delivering IT projects for various Fortune 500 and SME organisations, more recently I’ve moved to a software sales organisation where I’m often delivering IT integration projects attached to enterprise software sales. The interesting clear difference between the former and the latter is when an organisation presents the integrator with a purchase order, it is normally associated with a commercially binding contract and is a totally transparent payment for expected service/product delivery.


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